Amanda Kolbye LLC for Laptop Lifestyle Bootcamp

We at Amanda Kolbye LLC, the Company, want you, as the Client, to be 100% satisfied with our program but we also want to ensure that the Client gives the program a fair shot by putting forth the time, work, and effort of applying the material in order to see success.

Our refund policy states that the Client must complete 100% of the workbooks, watch at least 60% of the modules/lessons, and show up to 80% of the live calls and submit the above within 60 days of their start date in order to request a refund. All refunds are under the sole discretion of the Company.
 otherwise transferable by you. Any transfer, assignment or delegation by you is invalid.

An example of a situation where the client would not receive a refund is if the Client doesn't put in any effort, doesn't participate, doesn't attempt to execute the material learned and then asks for their money back. We do not offer refunds if you change your mind about your business or being an entrepreneur, if you change your business idea or offers, if you take more than 60 days to complete the material AND request a refund, or as a way to get out of the financial obligation.

An example of a situation where the client would receive a successfully granted refund is if the Client completes the course modules up to the 60 day mark, participates, tries their best, actively works on and promotes their business and provides an objectively fair and clear reason why the client wants their money back. In order to receive a refund the Client must submit the following proof :

• Complete 60%+ of the released course material in ThriveCart based on the 60 day mark

• Complete 100% of the workbooks

• Attend live 80% of the calls offered

• Submitted package audit and implemented feedback given by coaches

• A link the Client's Instagram showing that the Client has actively been applying the strategies and actively been marketing/selling their services

• Proof of active participation in the LLB Slack Channel

• Proof of doing market research and getting at least 3 responses back to validate their niche, offer, or a specific marketing angle

• Proof of actively participating in relationship building conversations surrounding their business or niche in Facebook groups, Instagram DMs, or Linked In messages

• Screenshots showing that the Client has attempted to ask questions surrounding difficult situations or hurdles

• A write up of at least 500 words explaining what the Client has learned from the program and a fair reason why the program was not right for the Client

Disclaimer: It is the Clients responsibility to read the sales page in its entirety and to read our terms and conditions as well as the refund policy before purchasing.

Read terms and conditions

LLB Refund Policy