A Mini Course to create content with ease that converts followers into clients to help you make bank on Instagram

say no more i'm in!

as seen in...

as seen in...

The most 💥valuable thing💥 you can do on Instagram is show up consistently with a high-value message.

And for the first time, you’re going to have all the 🛠 tools to effortlessly create converting content, every single month. 🎉

With no conversion, even though you’re spending hours each week trying to write engaging content?

Wondering how content comes sooo easy to everyone else?

Clueless as to why you’re the only one who isn’t waking up to a flooded inbox of DMs?

Do you feel like Instagram is leaving you....

Re-recording your stories 47 times because you’re not feeling confident in your messaging?

It’s time to say



& finally learn how to create content that            

to the #Insta struggle


The Content Kit is a mini course that will get you massive results through high-value video trainings, templates, and workbooks.

This bundle will help you learn how to magnetize your ideal client and master your content so you know exactly how to speak directly to your followers in a strategic way with confidence.

The days of staring at a blinking cursor and running out of time + ideas is over. 

Your secret to creating consistent content that converts your ideal audience into paying clients who can’t stop raving about you.

Are you ready to master your Instagram with ease?

What's Included in the value-packed bundle:




That's not all!

Worksheets to go with the above modules to ensure you’re getting the most out of this content

Content Prep

Get crystal clear on your ideal client avatar (ICA)

Learn how to do market research to accurately speak to your ICA’s soul

Create an ever flowing content idea bank so you never again run out of things to say 

Create multiple content pillars and themes so that everything you create is aligned and helping you establish yourself as an authority

Writing Captions

Planning Content

Learn my tried-and-tested method for writing content that speak to your ideal client’s soul

Swipe my caption formulas and plug & play CTA's for easy, quick use

Learn copywriting and messaging tips to become a better writer 

Organize your content for easy accessibility 

Get my exact steps to planning a big picture content plan with ease

Learn how to batch content to save yourself endless hours 

Insider look at my content calendar and overview showing exactly how I plan my weeks

Check out these action-packed bonuses that will help you achieve results even faster on the ‘gram.

Monthly content calendar

Weekly Instagram caption + stories planner based on my Soul Speaking Caption Creation Method

10 Caption formulas for success

Content pillar worksheet to nail your messaging

Ideal Client Databank sheet to nail down the finer details of your ICA

Plug & play list of CTAs

Bonuses + Templates

(including my3 Step Content Creation Process AND my Soul Speaking Caption Method that works for any any and every caption)

Later Tutorial

Lightroom Tutorial

Airtable + Zapier Tutorial

Learn how to create a content bank and automate it with Zapier 

Learn how to schedule & automate your content

Learn photography 101 tips for taking better photos & learn how to edit them in Lightroom


The total value of this Instagram mini course is over $1000+ but The Content Kit only costs a fraction of that.

Get this business (and life) changing Kit for:








What they have to say...


Creating an entire month on Instagram content in ONE DAY 

Speaking directly to your ideal clients pain points and have them saying “OMG she is in my head!”

Drastically reducing the amount of hours you are spending on Instagram looking for the slightest bit of inspiration


Feeling confident going into every week that your content is not only done, but you are damn proud of it

By the end of this Content Kit, you will...

Finally conquer Instagram content and understand how to write compelling content

Know exactly what kind of content your ideal client is craving from you

Learn how to plan an entire month of content in one afternoon




Have an robust bank of content to choose from (and you’ll be making bank)

Finally start converting followers into buyers and dream clients 

BTW, have we met?

I'm Amanda Kolbye, a multiple six figure business and marketing coach for ambitious service based entrepreneurs and coaches who are ready to create a freedom lifestyle and become unstoppable!

I built my own multiple six figure business in less than 10 months primarily using … INSTAGRAM! I have done over 500+ Instagram stories, written over 300+ captions, and made over $150k directly from Instagram alone!
I am also a digital nomad and travel around the world full time. I often spend my weekends under the palm trees in Bali, hiking the mountains in Vietnam, or hanging with elephants in Thailand.
And Instagram is one of the key things that allows all of that to be possible! Social media marketing and sales are kind of my thing so after years of experience I want to make content one less thing for you to worry about in your biz!


hey! hey! hey!




"I use the Soul Speaking Method for EVERY SINGLE CAPTION! I find it so valuable! It saves me so much time when I'm planning out what to write for the week."



"I already had taken some Instagram courses before this but I definitely feel like in this one I learned A LOT more of exactly what to do to create content & how to do it! It has everything it promises and more"



"Content was the thing that I struggled with the most because I would find it so difficult to come up with content. And this course helped soooo much! It's a no brainer."

90% of my income comes from Instagram—AND yours could, too.

Flopping around the ‘gram doesn’t have to be how you do business anymore. The Content Kit contains proven systems and trainings to help you create content so you never have to be on the struggle bus again (seriously, wouldn’t it be nice to hop off and let things come easy for once?). This bundle will give you your time back and help you make more money than ever before. 


Are you ready to propel your business forward and watch your bank account grow with ease from IG content conversions?