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You're in hustle mode working 24/7. You love what you do but you know you can't keep this up, and yet you can't get off the hamster wheel.
You’re booked out or capped with clients. You can’t quite keep up and you definitely don't know how to scale from here. Hello overwhelm & feeling paralyzed.
Your business has been the #1 priority up to now and you want to have more time to travel, spend with your kids or just freakin' relax.
You're stressed and anxious about decisions and consistent income, and want a partner to think tank with you and help you continue to grow (but without burnout).
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Intentional Mastermind was created to give you the knowledge, support & environment to powerfully reinvent the next level of your business - but this time BIGGER, BETTER, and most importantly INTENTIONALLY.
So that you can make f*ck tons of money but also get to actually live. You've never approached your business this way before, and by the end, you won't recognize things - in the best way possible.
here to guide, ideate & support your for every twist, turn & big ass goal over the next 6 months.
success is about...
✅ feeling fulfilled
✅ living on your terms
✅ creating wealth
✅ & enjoying the damn journey!
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custom/unique to you
wholistic approach
offer suite evolution
passive products + course creation
hiring & managing your team
Sales & lead gen
magnetic marketing
brand strategy
optimize systems & processes
and more!
This is not a mastermind that only focuses on business. We focus on the whole picture including you as a human on this massive growth journey. I want to achieve success and FEEL that success. And we have a safe space for all you, not just CEO [insert your name].
It's time to stop analyzing & replicating what everyone else is doing, and instead learn how YOU operate & what YOU need/desire. We create custom strategies & coaching for YOU starting with your quarterly gameplans.
We of course focus on building wealth & scaling, but in a way that every decision is intentional about protecting your physical/mental wellbeing, supporting your lifestyle, and getting you to where you want to be in business.
Amanda is a wealth of knowledge and a marketing genius. She really understands how the online business space works, and is 150% committed to showing up for her clients every single day. Since working together I went from being capped at 1:1 service to a full sustainable agency. I flew past the 6 figure revenue mark for the year and even booked $78K in sales in one week. I am paying myself more than I have earned in the past 10 years
- Luisa Alberto
Amanda is absolutely amazing! Her services are worth 10x the investment, and it has changed my business for the better forever. I was feeling super lost as to how to scale my business and now I have so much clarity around my business and my offers since working with her. I absolutely loved working with her and would recommend her to anyone!
- Katie Stuart
By my fourth month in business I had a $20k+ month and I now bill multiple 5 figs every month. Before I started working with Amanda, I had an idea but I didn’t have a business. She helped me set a foundation for growth and shift my mindset into an entrepreneur. When it comes to systems, Instagram and sales, Amanda is the QUEEN. Now I have a million dollar business and I owe it all to Amanda.
- Sari De
During our first week, we jump right in with an equal mix of business & fun to get to know each other and start building a gameplan.
plus we have our...
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I knew I wanted to go big next year but just didn't know how. Now I feel truly supported and know exactly the path I'm on. I wake up every day and I know EXACTLY what I'm working on because I have those action steps in place. After one conversation with Amanda I made one tweak in my funnel and immediately doubled my sales!
"Every moment was AMAZING. Before I was overworked and capped with my income & time. Now I have clarity on every aspect of my business moving forward and I am on track to make double my income in the next few months now! Amanda just gives so much information, so much insight & supports us so well. She is a great coach and Im lucky to be her client! She truly delivers the best experience."
Becca was trying to scale an agency but it wasn't aligned with what she actually wanted AND she was tapped out on time. Together we restructured her team and offer suite, started building out funnel to immediately start bringing in passive income and she was able to scale to consistent $25k+ months, buy her dream plot of land and take more time off in her business than every before.
Christina had been trying to build her business for 2 years and within the first 6 months working together went from $0 to her first $20k month. Since then she has scaled a well oiled machine of an agency, is on track for a $250k year, is able to travel the world full time, and even texts me that she has so much time she is started another business.
You're willing to put in the work and ready to invest into your team - you know your success is inevitable, now you just need a plan to get there
You are scaling to $200-500k years and know you want to go big, but big without burnout & constantly questioning yourself.
You want a deeper, richer level of support with someone who genuinely cares about you and is fully invested as your partner. You don't just need answers, you want an intimate group to help you execute along the way.
You want to build massive wealth but also know you want your life, family, dreams, fun etc. to also be a priority.
You already built a successful business and are making $10k+ months. You are at a point of needing to scale, grow a team & reinvent the business for this next level.
This is for you if..
You want clarity and confidence instead of continuing to guess what to do next. You want a full picture gameplan for how to scale, move forward, execute and revamp the business to hit your goals
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You all told me that you wanted guidance & some structure, because most masterminds are just vague "access" & Q&A calls...
There are tons of roadmaps for the beginning stages, but no one seems to have a roadmap for scaling.
you don't always know what to ask or what you need next to scale
we gotchu 😉
We know everyone is at different places in business so this roadmap is not "ABCDE," but rather includes:
Included in Intentional Mastermind is temporary access to the following LL Co. courses & live programs during your 6 months.
Plus any small courses.
any other new live programs & paid masterclasses
value of
included for free!
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I am a 7-figure internationally recognized business coach and educator who helps ambitious women build and scale online businesses so that they can live a freedom lifestyle and create wealth and influence. Part of my mission is to empower women to break the mold of how life should be and become leaders in their industries and communities.
I built my own business so that I could travel the world - from the mountains in Peru to the beaches in Thailand - and to create limitless opportunity and wealth for both my future and those around me.
I have been where you are, overworked and feeling like the business is running you, wandering where my so called "freedom" disappeared to. And that is why I created this mastermind: to help you scale but also to help you create the lifestyle you desire as well as step into the next level you!
Before the mastermind I was frustrated with my business model. I overcame a lot of mindset blocks, started hiring a team, and figured out my niche zone of genius to build an entirely new business with. I love how Amanda is a mix of a coach and consultant and gets her hands in my business when I was stuck.
I love Amanda for all her advise and how she seems to intuitively have a very good connection to what each participant needs. She works with you on business and strategy as well as overall lifestyle and wellbeing. I also just love her vibe and she has a very infectious energy. I also love that she is open and doesn't give 'this way as the only way' advise but really workshops answers with her students.
Before the mastermind, I didn't have a roadmap and things weren't scalable. Now I have built out an agency model with a team, and I flew past the 6 figure revenue mark for the year (I even booked 78K in sales in one week.) Amanda is a wealth of knowledge and a marketing genius. She really understands how the online business space works, and is 150% committed to showing up for her clients every single day.
You already the know the power of putting yourself in the room & investing in yourself, and this is no different. Don't resist the pull to expand & go bigger - lean in, trust yourself, and risk it to get the biscuit.
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